I recently convened a virtual meeting with representatives of various amateur choirs from across Wealden and East Sussex to listen to their concerns regarding the impact of Covid-19 restrictions on restarting their activities.
Members and Leaders from Ashdown Singers, Hailsham Voices, Fletching Sin
RESULT - Nusrat's intervention secures resumption of Mayfield Festival Choir rehearsals
I recently convened a virtual meeting with representatives of various amateur choirs from across Wealden and East Sussex to listen to their concerns regarding the impact of Covid-19 restrictions on restarti
Nusrat Ghani, MP for Sussex Weald, was pleased to join Jordan Whyte and local Councillors Johanna Howell and Bob Standley at a public meeting on rural crime organised by Jordan together with Withyham and Blackham residents.Although levels of crime are low overall across Sussex Weald, rural crime is