A meeting with the government’s new Housing and Planning minister is being sought by Wealden District Council to continue lobbying against the high number of homes the authority is required to provide.
The council has consistently lobbied the government for the last few years to reduce its nationally set housing targets and called for a change in planning policy – with leader Councillor Ann Newton expressing the council’s concerns during several meetings with government ministers, facilitated by Wealden MP Nus Ghani.
A letter from the outgoing Housing and Planning minister Liz Fraser MP said she had noted Councillor Newton’s concerns relating to identifying a five-year housing land supply, and appreciated how important the matters are to Wealden District Council about the timescale for implementing changes to the standard method for calculating local housing need and the proposed changes to the planning system.
In December last year, the government said it had listened to all councils’ concerns and was looking to adjust housing targets and remove the five year housing land supply requirements.
The proposals would also see the council given greater powers to deter unjustified speculative applications during the production of its Local Plan.
Councillor Newton now wants to meet the new Housing and Planning minister Rachel Maclean MP to keep the pressure up. Ms Ghani has offered to set up an in person meeting at Westminster between the two politicians.
Councillor Newton said, “We remain committed to making the case that Wealden cannot deliver the unrealistic housing targets that government has required for so long and welcome the proposed changes, which we hope will enable us to protect the natural beauty and character of our district and meet our climate change requirements.
“I look forward to meeting the new minister to reiterate our concerns and thanks Ms Ghani for facilitating meetings so we can have our voice heard.”
The original article is available here.