Nus Ghani, MP for Wealden, has joined with likeminded MPs to campaign Ministers on behalf of local football clubs, calling for an urgent return of fans to their stadiums.
The non-League football structure across England plays a key role in local communities and is often a starting point for many talented footballers. However, unlike League football, non-League football clubs cannot rely on broadcast or sponsorship income streams. Their gate and refreshment income streams are vital for their financial sustainability, especially in these challenging times. Given that indoor activities are now beginning to resume in a Covid-safe way, it is important that non-League football clubs in outdoor stadiums can welcome their fans again.
To support this campaign, you can email Nus at [email protected] to offer your support for local football clubs.
Nus has spoken to two local Clubs about the hardships they have endured over the last few months and supported their fundraisers. Crowborough Athletic FC has been successful in raising £5,000 to improve their junior pitches. Hailsham Town FC is currently fundraising £3,000 to improve their drainage system and protect the pitch from damage caused by heavy rainfall. To donate, please visit: and search “Improving Drainage at The Beaconsfield”. You can enjoy great rewards with donations of all sizes.
Nus has long campaigned for better funding for local football clubs. She has raised the issue of lack of investment in local football clubs with the Premier League, which recently awarded grants worth £14,500 in total to seven clubs in Wealden.
Nus Ghani said: “Grassroots football is at the heart of Wealden sport. I am aware of the extent of the revenues our local clubs have lost due to the pandemic. I will continue to campaign for the fans of our local football clubs to return to the stadiums and enjoy a great game. If you would like to help me, please email me at [email protected] to offer your support for local football clubs, and I will pass your comments onto the Minister for Sport, to highlight the urgency of the matter.”
“I appreciate the hardships that both Crowborough Athletic and Hailsham Town Football Clubs have faced during these times of uncertainty and I am delighted to have successfully campaigned to secure a grant from the Football Foundation for them both. I am pleased to have helped Crowborough Athletic FC reach their fundraising target. Now we must not let Hailsham Town FC down.”