Nus Ghani, MP for Wealden, has met with Age UK Charity to discuss their current campaigns.
For the last few years, she has been working with Age UK on various campaigns including tackling loneliness, scam awareness and improving eligibility for non-emergency patient transport to hospital appointments.
Nus played an instrumental part in supporting the non-emergency patient transport initiative during her time as Transport Minister and finally, NHS England are now changing the system and improving the eligibility criteria.
Nus has previously chaired the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Older People and launched the Sussex Elders’ Commission report in 2016 which addressed safety for older people. Nusrat has also been working with Rotherfield St Martin and she is fully supporting the charity in making Wealden dementia friendly and has signed the Dementia Charter.
Nus Ghani said: “It was a pleasure to meet with the representatives of Age UK to get an update on their work and campaigns. I am pleased to have helped secure improvements to hospital transport services and I continue to work with local police and local authorities to help raise awareness about scams and fraudulent activity. The issue of crimes targeting elderly and vulnerable people is something that I have raised repeatedly in Parliament, and I will continue to work with them to take care of our elderly residents.”
You can read the original article here.