Nusrat Ghani, MP for Sussex Weald, is inviting local primary schools to take part in Google’s special assembly on artificial intelligence (AI), which is taking place on Tuesday 28th January at 9:30am.
The assembly focuses on Artificial Intelligence with Be Internet Legends, an online safety and media literacy program, run by Google in partnership with Parent Zone. This national drop-in assembly is a free, live-streamed, and interactive online event designed to help primary school children aged 7-11 understand and recognise AI.
Schools can join and take part in the assembly using the live chat function, to stay engaged whilst learning new skills. The sign up page is available here.
In July 2024, Nusrat welcomed Google to Maynards Green Community Primary School for the ‘Be Internet Legends’ assembly, delivered in partnership with Parent Zone, which helps pupils become safer and more confident explorers of the online world.
Nusrat Ghani said: “It is absolutely key that children across the UK are and feel safe online as they continue to adjust to an increasingly digital world. I was pleased that the ‘Be Internet Legends’ Google team has joined us in Sussex Weald last summer to introduce the pupils at Maynards Green Community Primary School to the necessary tools they need to become safe and confident online explorers not only alert and resilient to scams and phishing, but also how to protect their data and privacy and how to communicate positively and sensitively online. I would like to encourage Sussex Weald primary schools to consider taking part in this free online assembly on Artificial Intelligence on Tuesday 28th January, and to explore further the free tools and resources available as part of the ‘Be Internet Legends’ programme.”